Toys in a Box


Upon venturing into Toy / Figure Photography, I found myself making a DIY light box. Here are the shots that got out of the oven:

Sleeping stuffed dog with pillow, candles and Marvel Onslaught's hand

The theme here is Halloween. See the sleeping, cuddly stuffed dog? Now, do you see the 3 candles and the monster hand creeping out of his… hmmm… pillow.
Very good idea. Poor shot. 😀

Bandai Model Kit Evangelion 2.0 EVA-01 gun DIY box

Here is EVA-01 Bandai Model kit of Evangelion 2.0. If I am to correct this, I would have placed the hands differently.

Toybiz Mcfarlane Campbell Spider-man DIY box

This is Campbell/Mcfarlace Spider-man. Every Spidey figure collector knows this one. The articulation is superb but joints are loose and the paint job is horrible but still, I want him in my collection. Tilting to make the background lines diagonal makes this shot better for me. Yep just for me. 😉

Revoltech Lupin the Third red DIY box

Lupin the Third by Revoltech. One of Revoltech’s releases that I really like. ‘Still wishing that they would release the enemy of Lupin, the Defective… err… Detective.

DIY light box with Bandai Model Kit EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0

In case you want to see the Behind The Scenes (BTS).

Manila Zoo’s Daredevil


manila zoo crocodile alligator man

‘Saw this man swimming with an alligator. Well, wallowing in the knee-deep water to be precise. But deep or not, there’s an alligator bigger than him which is only a foot away.

He was throwing coins at the beast’s back. I don’t know if this is related to the golden frog with coins you can see in China town.

But he sure is lucky because he left unscathed, Mr. Daredevil.

Dew to Do


Here are my attempts in capturing dew drops.

Honestly, made me thirsty looking at ’em.

A tip: look for leaves that have textures that tend to prevent the water droplets from rolling down. Try to do this very early. I think I got up around 5am. Insects also tend to be slower in the morning or maybe they’re just sleepy. LOL.

dew droplets

dew droplets